View Full Version : Znats Caravan coordinator?

09-02-2009, 11:57 PM
Did anyone ever assume that position? Thought there was going to be caravan link info. on Znats website.

09-03-2009, 12:24 AM
Perhaps contact Russell at Z1.

09-03-2009, 12:31 AM
Guess I got so excited about the early posts talking about 50 Z's rolling down the highway.

09-21-2009, 10:55 AM
OK back to my dream of 50 Z's rolling down the highway. Less than 3 days away. I would like to hear from everyone taking the I95 to I20 route to the Nats. My virginia guys are meeting in Emporia Va. around 9a.m. If someone who is in contact with his states peeps could let me know a city off of 95 and or 20 that they could join us at I can work out a schedule for pick ups. I used to live in Columbia so I know it takes about 5 hours to get there from Emporia. So that means we would pick up Z's there around 2:30p.m. and so forth. So NC, SC, GA. get with your guys and coordinate, pick a good exit to meet at complete with good gas/food selection for us needing pit stops. I havent heard anyone talk of using radios to comunicate. If anyone has one let me know and we'll pick an official Z channel.
Try to get me info. by wed. early afternoon. I have been so busy with doing mods and preparing for the drive that my time is limited for this venture. I hope we can make it happen and remember the more Z's in the caravan the harder for us all to get stopped by the man,lol. Disclaimer:This is not an endorsment for speeding or unsafe driving. Now "spirited" driving is a whole nother thing.
Hope to hear from everyone soon. Also anyone from north of va. thats coming 95 please chime in.

09-21-2009, 09:03 PM
me and my nephew z32maint will be getting on i95 in lumberton NC
dont know exactly what is there but will find out
nephew is on mapquest we will be at exit 20 lumberton at the citgo gas station i will try get ahold of a walkie talkie but just incase give me your
phonr number if you dont mind

09-21-2009, 09:45 PM
Or yeah draco, if yall have any suggestions, if you know lumberton pretty well let us know....But from what i was looking at on google map, Im pretty sure you can see the citgo sign from off of I-95 and the exit number im pretty sure is 20.....and it might say to route 211 or something...keep in touch!

09-21-2009, 09:48 PM
Well, not making it on Thursday,, But if anyone is planning on going threw Columbia, SC on Friday, myself and couple of others are riding out on Friday at about 1:00 PM or so.

09-21-2009, 10:50 PM
Sounds good. I just went and bought a set of radios that are pretty descent from walmart for $50. I'll calculate a time to meet at you NC exit 20. Spread the word to everyone else on this route and pray for limited rain, hell no rain.