View Full Version : Saturday Schedule / Itinerary Online Now

09-10-2009, 09:21 AM
You can view / print / download the itinerary online by clicking Here (http://upload.z1motorsports.com/Saturday%20schedule%2009. pdf).

Make your final plans before it's too late, Z Nationals 2009 kicks off in 14 days!

09-10-2009, 06:11 PM
Also the full weekend itinerary, with links and directions to the banquet and afterparty is online. Click Here For Details. (http://www.znationals.com/itinerary.php)

09-10-2009, 07:14 PM
Wooohooo! Can't wait! Still seems an age away for me as I have a nice flight over the Atlantic to do to get there!

09-11-2009, 12:33 AM
Wooohooo! Can't wait! Still seems an age away for me as I have a nice flight over the Atlantic to do to get there!

It's just across the pond!

09-11-2009, 03:21 PM
The flight is a chore. Although a good few hours shorter than my runs to California. Nearly 11 hours non stop from London to Los Angeles. This one is like 8hrs I think.

09-11-2009, 03:52 PM
The flight is a chore. Although a good few hours shorter than my runs to California. Nearly 11 hours non stop from London to Los Angeles. This one is like 8hrs I think.

yea its like 7 to 8 hours. I was in london recently and i thought i saw your Z. it was a super white just like yours at a BP gas station somewhere near edgeware rd

09-11-2009, 05:34 PM
No organized Meet-n-Greet Thursday evening? Don't see it mentioned in the itenerary.
Was the host Hotel's banquet room not available? Or was this never even discussed/entertained?

Have we got the furthest distance travelled sorted this year? Meaning furthest travelled via (trailer, non Z car, flew, etc) and then the furthest owner driven Z. Discouraging to see trailer queens win over personally driven Z's.

09-11-2009, 05:54 PM
yea its like 7 to 8 hours. I was in london recently and i thought i saw your Z. it was a super white just like yours at a BP gas station somewhere near edgeware rd

My Z hasn't been near London in over 4 years. LOL.

I've done the London to ATL route about 4 times now.

09-15-2009, 03:38 PM
No organized Meet-n-Greet Thursday evening? Don't see it mentioned in the itenerary.
Was the host Hotel's banquet room not available? Or was this never even discussed/entertained?

Have we got the furthest distance travelled sorted this year? Meaning furthest travelled via (trailer, non Z car, flew, etc) and then the furthest owner driven Z. Discouraging to see trailer queens win over personally driven Z's.

An orgainized meeting on Thursday was never discussed on our end. We have cars coming in here on Thursday evening to be inspected and checked in for the track event on Friday and have a host of other things to prep and prepare on Thursday, there would be no way for us to be involved in anything at the hotel that evening.