View Full Version : Z Nationals Track Venue CONFIRMED...AGAIN!

07-16-2011, 12:22 PM
As many of you are aware, we ran into a bit of a snag with our Friday Track Event forcing a complete re-evaluation of the event.

Originally, we had arranged to have the soon to be completed Atlanta Motorsports Park facility as the host for the track event. This was going to be a change from the usual Little Talladega Gran Prix Track used in past years. The track is slated to be an incredible facility with a lot of amenities, however it has fallen behind schedule on construction repeatedly. Following a status update on the track, we all agreed that continuing forward with the Atlanta Motorsports Park facility posed to great a risk to the whole venue. We all believed that the track portion of Z Nationals is an integral part and would cause the event to suffer if it was axed. Thus, we began searching for a new track to play host.

Now for the info you have all been waiting for!.....

We have just confirmed Atlanta Motor Speedway as the new track venue for the 2011 Z Nationals. Commonly used for NASCAR style events, this super speedway oval actually has a 2.5 mile infield road course that is very nice. For our event we will be using 2 of the 4 high banked turns...for that added thrill factor. The 24 degree high banked turns are incredible and something that not many people get the chance to experience at speed!

The only UNFORTUNATE drawback to change of venue is that the actual date of the venue has changed as well. Originally scheduled for Friday, September 23rd, we have been forced to move the track day to Sunday, September 25th. We sincerely hope that this does not dash anyones hopes of attending or participating in the track event, but we believe that MORE people will be able to attend since it will now be on the weekend (rather than a Friday work day).

A total of 40 spots will be available (with the slim possibility of extra spots if necessary). Pricing for this year stays relatively the same at $195.00 per participant. We are also, again, providing in-car instructors to all participants! Slated as a High Performance Driver's Education event, this is a great way to get on track for some fun with other Z's! We will also have garage spaces available on a first come, first serve basis (*more details to follow on this)

Non-participants can also join in the action as well! We will be having other distractions available throughout the day including a SCCA Solo II Competition outside of the track (in the front parking lot); Parade Laps during the lunch break for the kids and family members and ride alongs with Instructors. We want this to be family friendly event and something that everyone can enjoy.

Here is preview of the course layout for the track participants. Turns #1 and #2 will be used. We will also be using the optional chicane (indicated with the dashed line) at turn #3. We WILL NOT be using the high banked turns #3 and #4 due to safety concerns.

http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/281530_235545286466418_21 3023895385224_800269_3147 611_n.jpg

Additional info pertaining to registration, side distractions, etc will be following shortly! As mentioned in other posts, the event hotel will be back at the Hampton Inn in Breman. Attendees for the 2011 Z Nationals should plan on staying there unless they chose otherwise. We will NO LONGER be using th event hotels in the Dawsonville area.

07-23-2011, 07:18 PM
so where do we register?

07-26-2011, 12:24 PM
so where do we register?

We are diligently working on finalizing registration at this time and it will be up very soon.

08-11-2011, 10:45 AM
As mentioned in other posts. Registration is now up and running! Please visit the Official Z Nationals (http://www.znationals.com) website to begin your registration.

08-11-2011, 11:08 PM
F^ck yea!!!

08-13-2011, 10:16 PM
The Road Course Registration has a page to specify the number of previous driving events. Is an event defined as a session, day, or weekend? Some events have been a day while others are for a weekend.

08-13-2011, 11:45 PM
pretty sure its for the day.

check the itinerary for more precise times/events


08-15-2011, 05:56 PM
Either or is fine. Be sure to note what it is on the Registration Sheet.

10-07-2011, 09:45 AM
Just curious, will AMS be the track venue next year or was this a one time deal?

10-07-2011, 09:58 AM
Just curious, will AMS be the track venue next year or was this a one time deal?

It's early in the year for us to confirm this, but just know we plan to do it either just as big or bigger than we have in years past.

10-07-2011, 10:00 AM
Figured it was a bit early to ask, lol. Thanks for the reply tho. :thumbsup:

10-07-2011, 11:13 AM
Figured it was a bit early to ask, lol. Thanks for the reply tho. :thumbsup:

No problem man. We will try to get an earlier start this year on letting everyone in on our plans, and I'm sure we will come up with something bigger and better (seems to be the Z Nationals way) for next year.

10-07-2011, 11:35 AM
O.o wow. curious to see how much 'bigger' than AMS it could be. Not so sure how many want want to venture any farther than that from carollton though. Road Atl would be a change.. but i'd prefer AMS in the exact same configuration again. Maybe just a better prepped (cleaner!) track next time.