View Full Version : Z nationals 2007

The Devils Z
03-27-2007, 09:32 AM
I just got back from the Z nationals in Atlanta
Georgia. Figured I'd share the pics. A lot of 300ZX s, 350Z s, and G35 s

sorry no commentary here .. but I think you get the picture

basic story

1) 12 hour trip
ran across a SRT4 in Virginia
SRT4 encounter (http://www.srtforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=342744)

2) Went to Talladega Raceway in Alabama after 2 hours sleep
3) Went to Z1 dyno competition and car show - ( had a boost leak didn't dyno )
4) Partied with college girls at the hotel
5) Went to the Silver Dollar Dragstrip just south of Atlanta. Got a speeding ticket ( got a picture too )
6) Drove 14 hours North
7) In North Carolina, ran over a retread cast off by a semi and wiped out front bumper area
8) Car goes to the body shop today for a full repaint


delay = 3 seconds
max size = 1280 X 1280

three slideshows :

Day one (http://www.thedevilsz.com/site/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=slidesho w.Slideshow&g2_itemId=2045)

Day two (http://www.thedevilsz.com/site/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=slidesho w.Slideshow&g2_itemId=2046)

Day three (http://www.thedevilsz.com/site/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=slidesho w.Slideshow&g2_itemId=2047)

teaser pics



















Special thanks to Russell and the Z1 crew, Jeremy Blackwell and the Speed for Sale.com crew, and all the folks that I met at the event. Is good meeting all you guys !

03-27-2007, 11:03 AM
What kind of bumper are you going with this time since the TT bumper got wiped out? Retreads suck i ve nailed one before and its not fun.

The Devils Z
03-27-2007, 11:07 AM
OEM with the SMZ lower lip again .. I like the look ..

Jay Gadsby
03-27-2007, 11:34 AM
That post on the SRT forums is priceless, lol. Your reputation precedes you Dee, lol.

03-27-2007, 11:45 AM
He didn't blow his tire. what Z do you know of with tires that f*ckin big.

03-27-2007, 11:55 AM
don't worry man, lots of cheap oem bumpers will be for sale soon ;)

nice pics, must've been a blast to drive a 666hp Z all those miles

03-27-2007, 11:57 AM
i bet it was hella fun

The Devils Z
03-27-2007, 12:02 PM
don't worry man, lots of cheap oem bumpers will be for sale soon ;)

nice pics, must've been a blast to drive a 666hp Z all those miles

yeah -- over 2200 miles in 4 days ..no mechanical issues ..except a boost leak ... even took on a tire in N.Carolina and made it another 7 hours

03-27-2007, 12:11 PM
yeah -- over 2200 miles in 4 days ..no mechanical issues ..except a boost leak ... even took on a tire in N.Carolina and made it another 7 hours

at least your car look good for the show, would really have sucked if you hit it on the way to the show

03-27-2007, 12:20 PM
I wasn't there either, but I'm not retarded. It also says it at the top of the page in the original post, check number 7.

03-27-2007, 12:43 PM
It was great to meet you Dee. Your car is a beast!

The Devils Z
03-27-2007, 12:46 PM
It was great to meet you Dee. Your car is a beast!

well hopefully after I get my car painted ( dropped off today ) my looks will match yours in terms of show and go !

03-27-2007, 01:53 PM
2nd, that post on srt forums in priceless, specially the way that guy describes it. Looks like everyone had a great time.

03-27-2007, 05:14 PM
I can't believe that happened.(re-tread lying in the road) After taking all the pics of your car, then the next day, cRack. No Good. Good to meet you Dee, and your friends,
p.s. I have 180 pictures w/ some video i'll have up soon to show what I shot from the meet.

03-27-2007, 06:48 PM
Too much fun!!!! Props to the orange srt owner who didnt act like a ricer and admited defeat!

The Devils Z
03-27-2007, 07:46 PM
Too much fun!!!! Props to the orange srt owner who didnt act like a ricer and admited defeat!

Good hanging out with you Brian ( and Mike ) ... if you need anything ..let me know ... call me when you head out to Atco .. and call me about tires. I can get them for you from tire rack when you are ready.

03-28-2007, 12:39 AM
So what did the cop hit you up for? How bad were you speeding?

03-28-2007, 02:49 AM
So what did the cop hit you up for? How bad were you speeding?

good question....

the SRT guy was GREAT!!! ....he was talkin about keepin side by side when it was your 666hp Z and i was like WTF?????? then he said you dropped and i was like...OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH OK!!!

03-28-2007, 10:23 AM
So Dee, when is your next big roadtrip...Zcon? I love the big roadtrips. We had a 10 car convoy that averaged 95 mph the entire trip. 4 of the cars had CBs (I was up front, 2 in the middle, and one watching the back), and so we knew where SmokeyBear was at all times.

I have a track day in northern Ohio, April 13th. Too bad you live so far away

03-28-2007, 02:19 PM
damn, all i would have rememberd if i went, would be the boobs, the skyline (trying to steal the skyline, jk) and making it hoem in less the half the time it took to get there.
one time it took me 3 1/2 hours to get to New England Mass, it took 50 mintues to get home hehe...

The Devils Z
03-28-2007, 04:22 PM
So what did the cop hit you up for? How bad were you speeding?
93 in a 70

The Devils Z
03-28-2007, 04:24 PM
So Dee, when is your next big roadtrip...Zcon? I love the big roadtrips. We had a 10 car convoy that averaged 95 mph the entire trip. 4 of the cars had CBs (I was up front, 2 in the middle, and one watching the back), and so we knew where SmokeyBear was at all times.

I have a track day in northern Ohio, April 13th. Too bad you live so far away

I am not sure, I just dropped off The Devils Z at the bodyshop for a full repaint. Send me a PM when you are taking a road trip ..

I defintely will be at ZCON, we should hook up on the way down. And I am kicking around the idea of NOPI, but that is a lot of miles within 30 days ..

03-28-2007, 09:31 PM
Definately watch the gators, saw one take out the hood and windshield of a Beemer once. Back when I was running trucks. Had a cap come off a bob truck over by Ok city, came sailing across my 240sx like a frisbee. Missed the top by an inch or so.
Great pictures by the way.

One of these days we're going to make the Z1 Nationals.

You guys want a road trip, come to Branson May 10th-13th and then head back to the Tail of the Dragon.

03-28-2007, 09:46 PM
hey dee...great post about the SRT, that was awesome, seems like a good guy though...if i remember correctly, you didnt post that part "over there", lol (and i understand why)

man, i wish i coulda gone...looked like a lot of fun

The Devils Z
03-28-2007, 09:59 PM
hey dee...great post about the SRT, that was awesome, seems like a good guy though...if i remember correctly, you didnt post that part "over there", lol (and i understand why)

man, i wish i coulda gone...looked like a lot of fun

no, i didn't because "over there" certain folks always complain like I have some hidden agenda.

so I save the good stuff for here !

03-29-2007, 12:09 AM
i know what you mean...some people have a stick up their ass...but if in your judgment it was safe, then i'm gonna take your word for it...and not throw a hissy fit...

cant wait to see the car with the new paint..good luck