Conversation Between JosefTTZ(Houston) and julio9690
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
Cool, have fun with the build
well i decided to deal with a local company.....i should get it around september 7...and i got most of the parts already, just missing bov, exhaust, and 1pc driveshaft ..decided to replace some parts while im at it...should get those parts pretty from there i think it will take a month to put everything together..but its worth it..yeah ill let you know when she we can cruise or something.
Awesome man, you get your engine yet? I saw a post about you ordering one. Hit me up when you get her up and running!
hey man whats up....well ill be glad to let you know that..thanks to you im hooked on a tt...i started to ordering parts like crazy =)