Conversation Between rockchucker and sittinSideways
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Hey Cory, a while back you mentioned that you have a 2.5 ton jack that you would be willing to part with. Is that still available? if so I'm free tomorrow after 1PM. also I lost your number.
- Sahith N.
I just looked under the car, and I found some rust on the frame rails. How should I deal with that? Do I need to get the car undercoated or something?
In order to get this car running to a satisfactory condition, I need to get that stuttering problem fixed. Basically, it feels like the power just suddenly cuts out, then cuts back in causing the whole car to shake. Sometimes the power cuts out for a few seconds, and in order to gain power back, I have to push the throttle in.
Also, the car vibrates strongly when going at speeds above 40mph. I'm guessing that's the right upper ball joint? I'm going to try and tighten it tommorow, but if that doesn't fix it, then I'll need a new one. Do you know where I can find a new one?