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MGH MGH is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. TnkrsToyCo
    11-22-2017 10:50 AM
    Yep almost every day I notice his account being on.
    07-12-2014 11:24 AM
    Hey, how is life in Texas? I am still in Florida (St Augustine). Temporarily retired until my body heals up (Torn hip labrum, torn ACL in the left knee and torn lateral and medial meniscus in the same knee. I fell off a ladder). I hit a HUGE snapping turtle a few weeks back in the Z. Absolutely did some damage under the car. Leaking fluids. Have not been able to get under there, due to my limited mobility. Hope all is well.
  3. honzrr
    12-15-2012 09:20 PM
    nice looking Z! what kinda wheels are those? and what size of wheels and tires are you running? was your car lowered or is that stock height?
  4. demokill
    04-04-2012 07:40 AM
    Please delete my account.
  5. singdam
    02-06-2011 02:22 AM
    Sir just wondering if you are a z mech. Just got stationed in Houston and new with Z's well cars in general. Wanting to do timing belt and cam seals.
  6. Alex1929
    11-17-2010 10:19 PM
    hi i had a question. where did you get those intake tubes on your car?
  7. virus_78046
    10-11-2010 10:43 AM
    hey im in the middle of my subframe bushing project like you did and just had a question regarding the main four subframe bushings (the biggest ones that hold the subframe studs). according to the instructions for the bushings i got, it seams the bushing and the outer sleeve needs to be removed but then it says "Do not remove the metal sheel that has bonded rubber rings on both ends", i think i know what they are talking about cuz i can see the "rings" under ur bushings in one of your pics
    my question is if u have any pics regarding the actual removal of these peices so i can get an idea of how to attack it cuz i was thinking of just hacking through it because i dont have any adequate cylinders to press it out
  8. czh5005
    11-09-2009 10:56 AM
    Nice thing is I will be in Florida on casual leave from about 22 May til about 15 June so I will probably be making the journey also. Hell of a lot easier driving from Pensecola, FL than Harrisburg, PA! Looking forward to meeting you, Fowler, Simon and Chris in person
  9. czh5005
    11-08-2009 09:19 PM
    I'm doing well. When you posted those threads, I'll be honest I wanted a set but being a college kid, no money for them! I am finishing up my last semester of school and going into active duty AF in April. I am heading down to Pensecola NAS for pilot training so I am pretty stoaked. You gonna go to BZF?
  10. czh5005
    11-08-2009 08:17 PM
    Hey Mike, how you been? Your cam gear clamps got you pretty busy!?

About Me

  • About MGH
    Real Name
    design concrete mixers
    Car Year/Model
    93-No-PSI-Vert-5 spd
    Iola/College Station, TX
    Cars & Woodworking
    Design Engineer
  • Signature

    Factory Service Manual...never own a Z without one.


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 08:06 PM
  • Join Date: 12-03-2003
  • Referrals: 0


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