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rockchucker rockchucker is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 78
  1. rockchucker
    04-19-2014 10:38 AM
    Thanks DOOOOOOOD!
  2. Nissan_Z_guy90
    04-19-2014 05:07 AM
    Happy birthday!
  3. honzrr
    02-13-2014 05:03 AM
    sh!t, thought i was PMing you - it said conversation between you and me. sorry man...
  4. honzrr
    02-13-2014 04:52 AM
    oh one more thing, i've heard of a company STS and their rear mount turbo kits. do they make (or could they make) something that'd work for the Z and would that (with low boost setting due to higher compression of NA engine) be worthwhile checking out?
  5. honzrr
    02-13-2014 04:50 AM
    hey man, quick question for you. i was, like another guy who just posted in NWZC section here, thinking about a TT swap (in my vert). i've heard around that you come highly recommended, so i thought i'd reach out to see about it...

    would you do a NA-TT conversion with my motor, or would i need a TT motor? do you have motors and all the goodies one would need to do a swap, or would i hafta source them out? how much do you ballpark charge for the service normally (either labour, or labour/parts if applicable)?

    would you even recommend the swap or do you think i could achieve decent (and more reliable) power with a few more mods to my car as it sits. i have intake, exhaust, ECU, and a not-installed-yet pulley.

    thanks for your time and advice...
  6. rockchucker
    08-14-2013 07:33 PM
    Please do not post questions in this area. PM me or start a thread with the issue at hand then send me a link to the thread.
  7. Z Mojo
    08-14-2013 02:15 PM
    Z Mojo
    Can you change the title of this thread? I would like to remove the "help"....

    I figured out how to log RPM and TPS and I will take some pics and post an explanation trying to remedy this thread flame-out becuase I posted in the wrong section.

  8. jasongreene43
    08-09-2013 12:03 PM
    Hello, I was reading your how-to on the diff and sub ES bushing swap and was wondering if you had a hard time putting your diff into the rear bushings? I have my diff inserted into the rear bushing but I cannot get the front bushing through bolt to line up with the hole. I'm about 1/2 inch off. I have straps pulling the diff back now but still need 1/4 inch to get the diff support to line up.
    And also, I removed my subframe bushings and did like you did on the bottom collar( sawsall) a groove in the bottom lip of that very most inner cup. Are yours holding up well? I'm guessing its not a big deal. Just wish I would have come across your how-to sooner! Thank you in advance!
  9. BubZee
    02-12-2013 09:22 AM
    Mutha chucker! Heya bro, I'm gettin back into the scene. > Woo WOooo
  10. toykoz32
    07-03-2012 05:00 PM

About Me

  • About rockchucker
    Real Name
    Cory Frazier
    Car Year/Model
    BJO 90 N/A MT, 93 AJ4 Vert N/A MT, 93 CK2 Vert N/A MT, 90 732 TT A/T, 91 AG2 TT MT 43k Miles =()
    Seattle WA
    Finish Carpenter
  • Signature

    If you ever want my opinion on an issue just PM me a link to the thread in question.

    "It took you longer to explain why you were doing it wrong than it would have to do it right in the first place..." -Some old dude


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  • Last Activity: 01-18-2024 12:01 AM
  • Join Date: 03-18-2006
  • Referrals: 17


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