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rockchucker rockchucker is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 78
  1. demokill
    04-04-2012 07:41 AM
    I demokill, am an asshat.
  2. 65Snake
    02-13-2012 12:02 AM
    Met you up at one of the Porsche autocross sessions this past summer; I have a 91TT 300ZX and getting ready to PCS to the East Coast (aberdeen, MD). I am currently deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan, but will be coming back stateside by the end of the month. Would like to get together to discuss recommendations for my Z prior to heading cross country. Let me know if you are interested; I plan on putting some money into the car, but not exactly sure which way to go. I have a lot of Z parts I am willing to give you in return for your help.

    Thanks Bob
  3. BennyBoy
    12-27-2011 05:18 PM
    Second installment of my ongoing problem. Thanks in advance!
  4. PHamann
    12-14-2011 12:16 PM
    Hey Dude! How's fatherhood treating you? I see from your forum moniker "Shifting Twins" that everything went well and your now teaching your sprouts to hold a work light for you. I see you're still active on the forum - that's good to hear. Are you still doing Z maintenance? I hope so... you know where I'm going with this...

    My clutch went out on the way to work this morning. I noticed as I went to shift that it kinda hung up a little as I went out of gear. Next thing I knew, I couldn't get into the next gear. I got off of the freeway but had to pull off the road and start her in second gear and drive the half mile to work in 2nd.

    So she's here at work now but I need to get the clutch looked at.

    Well let me know what you're up to. Oh - my wife has some stuff for you too BTW...


  5. New 2 Z
    11-24-2011 05:36 PM
    New 2 Z
    you should get that wheel fixed, it honestly doesn't look that bad.
  6. JonLovesZ
    08-23-2011 02:27 AM
    Just a qucik question, how would I go about wiring the daul e-fans off of a maxima without using a therm-switch.

    Any recomendations?
  7. rockchucker
    08-04-2011 12:40 PM
    Sure. Looks good. Just use 2 of the Bolts out of the IACV and some large Fender Washers to secure it to the Harmonic Damper. This is a bad place to hit me up with a question though. Just PM me or ask in a thread pertaining to the question and PM me a link to it so I can post in it also.
  8. zombieno1
    08-03-2011 09:40 PM
    Is this the puller you recommend?

  9. newguy300zx
    07-02-2011 11:27 AM
    Hey rock, I accidentially posted in the turbo section and i need it moved to the non turbo section. I was doing alot of searching and thats how i ended up posting in the wrong section, could you or one of the other mods move it for me? I sure would appreciate it, and again, i apologize, and yes i relize i am pathetic for not having anything better to do on this holiday weekend,
  10. jschrauwen
    06-10-2011 07:04 AM
    Cory, could I get a part number from you? - Balance Tube O-rings?

About Me

  • About rockchucker
    Real Name
    Cory Frazier
    Car Year/Model
    BJO 90 N/A MT, 93 AJ4 Vert N/A MT, 93 CK2 Vert N/A MT, 90 732 TT A/T, 91 AG2 TT MT 43k Miles =()
    Seattle WA
    Finish Carpenter
  • Signature

    If you ever want my opinion on an issue just PM me a link to the thread in question.

    "It took you longer to explain why you were doing it wrong than it would have to do it right in the first place..." -Some old dude


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  • Last Activity: 01-18-2024 12:01 AM
  • Join Date: 03-18-2006
  • Referrals: 17


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