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michaelsevilla michaelsevilla is offline

Quoted King-LA Z MOD

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. alwaystroublesome
    03-07-2012 08:39 AM
    Mike, Are you going to IFO this sunday?
  2. michaelsevilla
    12-03-2010 11:44 AM
    that be pretty interesting. whats the plan on that?
  3. Milo (SATX)
    12-03-2010 11:38 AM
    Milo (SATX)
    Sounds like a plan when we come past there to go to Georgia. You want to roll with the San Antonio guys in the "bus" up to Savannah? We are still putting it all together if interested.
  4. bittersweet
    08-13-2009 03:18 PM
    Fag!!!!! :p
  5. lifeisboost
    06-10-2009 10:20 AM
    are you getting my emails from AOL?
  6. bittersweet
    05-22-2009 04:04 PM
    hey mikey!
  7. JessAlba452
    12-24-2008 06:09 AM
    Hey this is Jess from
  8. hbaucum
    07-31-2008 11:02 PM
    I just saw that I goofed up a little.. I am not looking for any "boy guys" However a great BODY GUY/GAL would be nice...LOL
  9. hbaucum
    07-31-2008 10:58 PM
    Michaelsevilla, I am in MS and am staring to work on restoring my father's 1985 300zx. LA is not far from you since the car is in South MS....if you know of some exceptional boy guys or have a line on anywhere I can get replacement Interior parts, Please share your info....I just about need to replace the entire interior due to water damage....Actually most of the damamge was caused by a leak that I suspect is coming from somewhere around the seal of the rear window...Needless to say the damage was caused some time ago and rust has taken it's tole in the rear area....I must replace the Moulding( not sure that is what you call the padding that has cut outs for the tire jack etc....) along with find a body person that is good with restoring rust damge and I also need a healiner person.....I think that I might can get carpet on line but if you have a line on that, I am all ears....I'll be waiting to hear fom ya....If you have heard from any other MS folks, let me know, I would love to talk to them too.....However, I feel a kinship to my LA people...I was conceived on St. Ann........Just off 1965...My parents lived in the quarters back then...I am told that I can cook as well as any "coonass" around! LOL I take pride in that!
  10. michaelsevilla
    07-03-2008 11:59 AM

About Me

  • About michaelsevilla
    Real Name
    Michael Sevilla
    Car Year/Model
    300ZX TT 1990
    Kenner, LA
    Valet, Server, All up for making money and hooking the Z up.
  • Signature
    When you work painfully HARD to make a dream a reality, you are blessed for your hardwork and your dreams do come true-michaelsevilla

    Nissan Motorsports = NISMO

    Honda Motorsports = HOMO? <---Best site for Z parts. Get points for every purchase !


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  • Last Activity: 09-10-2014 12:11 AM
  • Join Date: 09-06-2007
  • Referrals: 0


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